PSMID formally organized
On 27 January 1972, the Philippine Society for Microbiology and Infectious Disease (PSMID) was formally organized with the induction of the first set of officers were inducted by then Health Secretary Clemente Gatmaitan. Inducted were Drs. Elpidio Gamboa (President-1972-1973); Lourdes E. Campos (Vice-President); Ernesto Valdez (Business Manager); Pedro Chanco; Antonio Gonzaga; Benjamin Limson; Thelma Tupasi Ramos; Virginia Basaca -Sevilla; Joaquin Sumpaico and Cesar Uylangco, Council Members.
PSMID’s charter was signed on 23 May 1972 by eleven persons, namely, Drs. Elpidio Gamboa, Rodolfo Jao, Benjamin Limson, Pedro Chanco, Thelma Tupasi, Lourdes Campos, Ernesto Valdez, Cesar Uylangco, Virginia Sevilla, Joaquin Sumpaico and Antonio Gonzaga. On this day, the PSMID pledged itself to the study and research of infectious diseases and microbiology in the Philippines, and work for the enactment of appropriate laws that would further the interest of the Society and of the patient.